Pancakes Basic Recipe

Rating: 3.765 / 5.00 (5320 Votes)

Total time: 15 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the dough, beat the eggs and beat well. Quickly whisk the milk with the flour until smooth, mix in the eggs and add a pinch of salt to everything.

Slowly stir in the melted butter. If there are lumps of flour in the pancake batter, pass the batter through a large sieve.

Heat a shallow pan (pancake pans are ideal) and melt some butter. Using a ladle, pour in enough batter to just thinly cover the bottom. Empty into the center and spread evenly by swirling the pan around.

Now cook the pancake until golden brown on one side. Use medium heat while doing this. If the pancake can be shaken well in the pan, you can flip it.

Let the second side become golden brown as well.

Use up all the batter in this way.

Keep the finished pancakes warm until ready for filling.

Preparation Tip:

Pancakes are one of the most popular Austrian desserts. They can be prepared in different variations and when it comes to fillings, there are no limits to your imagination.

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