Banana Shake Vegan

For the banana shake vegan, peel the ripe bananas and put them in the stand mixer. Pour in the water and carefully puree. Put the vegan banana shake in a mug and enjoy.

Nut Puff Pastry

For the nut puff pastry, first prepare the dough. For the dough, mix soft butter with the remaining ingredients to make a smooth yeast dough. Knead the dough by hand in a warm place for about 1 hour and roll out thinly. Cut the dough into rectangles about 3 x 5 cm. For the filling, … Read more

Lean Spring Cheese with Herbs

For the lean spring cheese with herbs finely chop the herbs, chop the chives and mix with cheese. Finely chop the spring onion and add to the cheese. Mix with vinegar, sunflower oil, salt, pepper and a little beer, season to taste and spread on bread.

Sesame Roll

For the sesame crackers, preheat the oven to 240° top/bottom heat. Put the wheat flour and wholemeal flour in a bowl, add the yeast and mix well. Add the spices, sesame seeds, water and buttermilk, mix well and knead vigorously. Dust the dough with a little flour and let it rise in a warm place … Read more


For the mango puree, mangoes that are not yet ripe can be made into puree. Boil the pulp of the mangoes in a little water for about 20 minutes. Then strain the pulp through a sieve and add sugar or cinnamon according to taste.

Roasted Gorgonzola Pears on Arugula

For the Gorgonzola pears on arugula first preheat the oven to 210 °C. Quarter the pears, peel them and remove the core. Mix the butter with the juice of one lemon and brush the pears with it. Place them in an ovenproof dish, season with pepper. Cook in the oven for 10 minutes. Mix the … Read more

Chocolate Parfait with Strawberry Sauce

For the chocolate parfait, first brush a terrine mold with oil and line with plastic wrap. Chop the chocolate, mix the cocoa with water, bring to the boil, add the chocolate and let it melt. Add rum, stir through and let cool. Beat eggs, yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt over steam … Read more

Four Salad Dressings

French dressing: mix well salt, mustard, vinegar, sugar and pepper, then add the oil with a whisk. Goes well with leaf salads, cucumber salad and tomato salad. Salad dressing: stir vegetable soup with pepper, vinegar, salt, mustard, sugar, horseradish, shallot and garlic, then add oil with whisk and stir in kitchen herbs before serving. Ideal … Read more