Pumpkin Fondue

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)


For tuning:


(*) for a fondue caquelon of about 2 liters, enough for about 4 people Warm butter in the caquelon, add garlic and pumpkin, steam for about ten minutes, season.

Mix cornflour with white wine and juice of one lemon, add to pumpkin and let it boil. Reduce temperature.

Add fondue mixture, bring to a gentle boil while stirring until cheese is melted.

Ingredients for dunking: toast bread cubes on a baking sheet for 5 min in a stove heated to 240 degrees, turn 1 time to the other side. Remove, cool, form into a basket.

Cook the rabe balls in the steamer basket with the lid closed for about ten minutes until just tender.

Arrange Gschwellti cubes together with the rake balls on a plate, keep warm.

Arrange pear and apple cubes in a separate dish.

Tips: Use turnip instead of beet.

Make a raebenliechtli out of the raebe.

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