Kohlrabilasagne on Radish Sprouts with Pine Nuts

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Clean kohlrabi, peel and cut into one centimeter thick slices.

Rinse spinach well and blanch briefly.

Peel tomatoes, remove seeds, dice.

Chop young onion.

Roughly slice radishes.

Roast pine nuts.

Steam kohlrabi al dente until soft, drain and dry with kitchen paper.

Spread kohlrabi slices with sour cream or crème fraiche, place drained spinach leaves on top, slice ham on top and thin slices of the Gouda.

Repeat the whole process until you have a lasagna.

Mix diced tomatoes with onion leek, spread evenly on top of rutabagas and cover with strips of Gouda cheese.

Place the kohlrabi in a frying pan or ovenproof dish, pour on a little clear soup and cook in the oven at about 170 degrees for about 15 to 18 minutes.

Fry the radish sprouts in a little butter, add the radishes, heat briefly, add whipped cream and season with iodized salt and pepper.


Spread radish sprouts evenly on plates and sprinkle with pine nuts. Place the kohlrabi whole or halved on top and then season with ground pepper.

Tip: Did you know that one bowl of spinach provides about 50 percent of your magnesium needs?

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