Home Pickled Wild Salmon with Honey Mustard Sauce

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Total time: 1 hour


For the honey mustard sauce:

For the herb salad:


Fillet the wild salmon into two fillet sides. Remove the bones with the help of tweezers and trim off the transy fat. Turn the salmon fillets over and make a thin incision 3 mm deep at a distance of approx. 3 cm.For the salmon pickle, mix salt and sugar well, remove the peels of the lemons and oranges and crush the spices in a mortar. Coarsely chop the fresh herbs and add them to the pickle. Cover the wild salmon fillets with the pickle, skin side down. Pickle in the dark at about 8-10°C for 24 hours. After the elapsed time, apply the finger test.Lift salmon from the pickle and soak in milk for 2-3 hours, lift out, dry and slice.

Preparation Tip:

You can also mix chopped dill into the mustard sauce. Decorate the salmon with the mustard sauce as desired.

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