Coffee Grounds Cake

A cake recipe for all foodies: Add light butter, eggs and sugar in order in a large enough bowl, and mix everything together. Mix the baking powder into the flour and stir this into the batter using a sieve. Then add the coffee grounds (not coffee-free) by the spoonful (assuming the dough gets too firm, … Read more

Jello Cake

Try this delicious cake recipe: Cook jello with water according to package directions and set aside to cool. Whip cream with vanilla sugar until stiff. Fold the whipped cream and yogurt into the jello with a whisk and pour onto the cake base. Chill:

Strawberry Cream with Elderflower Honey

For the strawberry cream, soak gelatine, whip cream, clean strawberries, wash, dab dry and cut into small pieces. Mix with honey and yogurt and puree with a blender. Heat some strawberry puree, dissolve gelatine in it and add to the remaining strawberry puree. Fold in the cream, fill the cream into glasses and chill. Heat … Read more

Egg and Asparagus Salad

An asparagus recipe for gourmets: Hard boil eggs, quarter one egg for garnish, slice remaining. Drain asparagus sections, layer egg slices and asparagus sections in a suitable bowl. For the marinade: Mix mayo smooth with mustard, surre whipped cream. Season with white sugar, pepper, salt. Parsley chop and add to the marinade form and the … Read more

Nougat Brittle Chocolates

For the nougat brittle pralines, first prepare the pumpkin seed brittle. Caramelize granulated sugar in a saucepan until light brown. Steirerkraft pumpkin seeds grated add, stir in and spread the mass on a baking paper. When cool, cover with a second sheet of paper and break into even brittle pieces with a rolling pin. You … Read more


For the Bratlfettn sear the pork roast from alone sides and season with caraway and salt. Rub an oftenfeste dish very generously with the lard and spread the soup in it. Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Cover the roast and bake for 10 minutes, then bake for another hour per kilo of roast. Finally, … Read more

Melanzani Hummus Towers with Fruit Sauce

For the melanzani hummus towers, first prepare the hummus. For this, peel the onions and garlic clove and cut into small cubes. In a hot pan with olive oil, fry the onion for about 5 minutes, fry the garlic only briefly. Puree the garlic and onion with the chickpeas, tahini, whipping cream, lemon juice and … Read more

Pheasant with Mushroom Sauce

Have fun preparing this mushroom dish! Rinse the pheasant, dry it, rub the inside with salt. Chop parsley and onion, mix with paprika, oil, mustard and ground pepper. Coat the pheasant with this paste, tie it tightly. Roast in a heated oven for about 30 to 40 minutes on the middle shelf until pink. Soak … Read more