Strawberry Sheep Fresh Cheese Mousse

Rating: 3.8427 / 5.00 (89 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For the oatmeal buns:


For the strawberry-sheep cream cheese mousse, carefully wash strawberries, pat dry with a few sheets of kitchen roll and remove the stalk. Wash and hull the rhubarb and cut into 2cm pieces.

Boil 1/8l water, white wine, cane sugar and lavender sprig. Add the prepared rhubarb and bring to the boil again briefly, remove from heat and place in a cool place.

Add the strawberries to the lukewarm rhubarb stock and allow to cool completely. Mix the washed strawberries with the cane sugar and honey, add the remaining ingredients and stir in the dissolved gelatine. Pour into a bowl and refrigerate.Combine all the ingredients for the oatmeal puffs, and blend until smooth and let stand for 1/2 hour. Then cut out nut-sized dumplings with a spoon, place on non-stick baking paper and press into circles to form paper-thin discs.

Bake in the oven at 180°C until light brown. Remove the strawberry and sheep’s milk cheese mousse and shape while still hot.

Preparation Tip:

If you want to do it quickly, you can of course serve the strawberry and sheep's milk cheese mousse in ready-made Hippen bowls.

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