Salad with Sausage and Fried Egg

Rating: 4.1829 / 5.00 (82 Votes)

Total time: 15 min



For the salad with sausage and fried egg cook sausage.

In the meantime, wash lettuce of your choice, bring into bite-sized pieces and marinate to taste.

Place the finished sausages in a heart shape in a hot, buttered pan (if necessary, pin them together briefly with a toothpick – remove later). Pour the egg for the fried egg into the frankfurters and let them fry until done.

Place the finished hearts on the salad and serve.

Preparation Tip:

Frankfurters, Debreziner, Weisswurst, Klobasser, Buren or Hauswurst are suitable for cooking, but not Bratwürstel.

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