Stuffed Fish Fry

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Clean fish fillet, acidify, season with salt, coat with mustard. Cut bacon into cubes and fry together with onion cubes until soft. Place 2 slices of fish fillet in a gratin dish, spread bacon and onion cubes, sliced mushrooms or gherkins evenly on top, cover with fish fillets. Spread yogurt or crème fraîche on the fish roast, sprinkle with cheese and breadcrumbs, cook in the oven until done.

Circuit: 200 to 220 °C , 2nd slide bar v. U.

180 to 200 °C , convection oven about 50 min.

Tip: Use a normal or light yogurt yes as needed!

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