Crispy Roasted Pork Shoulder

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



Preheat the oven to 200 °C. Spread the chopped veal bones evenly on a tray and roast them in the heated oven for an hour until golden brown all over. Remove from the stove and drain.

Turn the oven down to 140 °C.

Season the pork shoulder with salt, season with pepper, place skin side down in a roasting pan and brown in the oil. Turn and add about 2/3 of the chicken stock so that the fat layer is completely covered with clear soup. Add the roasted bones and roast the shoulder in the stove for an hour.

Sift the powdered sugar into a wide, large saucepan and caramelize over medium heat. Add the paradeis pulp, sweat briefly and extinguish with the malt beer. Reduce the beer almost completely, pour in the vegetables and add the remaining chicken stock.

Remove the roast from the stove. Place the meat fat side up on a board and score the pork rind in a diamond shape with a kitchen knife. Pour the gravy through a sieve and add to the vegetable form. Place the meat on top of the vegetables with the pork rind facing upwards and cook at 160 °C for about one and a half hours.

Add ginger, garlic, bay leaves, cumin and marjoram about twenty minutes before the end of cooking.

If the crust is not crispy enough, turn on the top heat or the grill function of the oven at the end.

Remove the roast from the stove, remove the garlic, ginger and bay leaf, and de

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