Pumpkin Fondue

(*) for a fondue caquelon of about 2 liters, enough for about 4 people Warm butter in the caquelon, add garlic and pumpkin, steam for about ten minutes, season. Mix cornflour with white wine and juice of one lemon, add to pumpkin and let it boil. Reduce temperature. Add fondue mixture, bring to a gentle … Read more

Passion Fruit Parfait

1. the day before, finely grate the lime peel and squeeze 4 tbsp. lime juice. Cut passion fruit in half, scrape out seeds and juice, and squeeze well with a small ladle in a fine sieve (it should yield 150 ml juice). Boil passion fruit and lime juice with vanilla pulp and sugar to about … Read more

Toasted Bread Slices with Porcini Mushrooms

A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion! Toasted slices of bread with porcini mushrooms – Crostini di funghi. Lightly toast the slices of white bread on the baking rack. Finely chop the parsley and garlic and brown them in a little olive oil. Add the finely sliced mushrooms and cook on low heat for about … Read more

Mushroom Salad with Rabbit Fillet

Have fun preparing this mushroom dish! Clean the mushrooms and cut them into small slices. Heat oil strongly, sauté shallots, garlic and mushrooms in it, swirling, until the liquid has evaporated. Season with salt, pepper and thyme. After cooking, season with both vinegars, cool. Rub rabbit back fillets with salt and pepper. Heat oil, sear … Read more

Vegetable Paella

A great zucchini recipe for any taste: Briefly rinse the long-grain rice under running water, place in a large saucepan, and then stir dry over medium heat. Remove the saucepan from the kitchen stove and let the resi cool briefly. Stir the vegetable soup with the saffron as well as the water and add it … Read more


For the Schnitterkrapfen, make a dampfl from yeast, flour, sugar and lukewarm milk. Add warmed flour, butter, sugar, eggs, yolks, rum, salt, grated zest of 1 orange and milk (as much as the dough will absorb) and beat until the dough separates from the bowl. Let rise in a warm place, then roll out to … Read more

Chicken Curry with Ginger

For the chicken curry with ginger, cut the chicken breast fillets into strips. Halve the chili peppers, remove the seeds and cut into narrow strips. Finely chop the ginger and finely dice the onions. Scald the tomatoes with hot water, peel and dice. Heat the oil and fry the mustard seeds in it until they … Read more

Vegetable Strudel with Onions and Bacon

Place puff pastry sheets overlapping each other and roll out. Brush with a little butter. Peel and chop the garlic and onion. Finely dice the bacon. Fry with onion and garlic and set aside. Divide broccoli into florets, chop carrots and celery. Remove the stalk and seeds from the peppers and chop them as well. … Read more