Wild Boar Roulade with Chestnut-Red Cabbage and Schupfnudeln (Potato Noodles)

Rating: 3.4 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


Chestnut red cabbage:



Cut the onion into fine rings, finely dice the celery. Sauté both in a frying pan with clarified butter. Add juniper, pimento seeds and parsley. Pound the meat slices very thinly between a freezer bag, season with salt and pepper, brush one side with mustard and spread the onion mixture evenly on top. Place a slice of bacon under each of the meat slices and roll up so that some of the bacon is on the inside and the rest is on the outside.

Wrap the roulades in plastic wrap and rest in the refrigerator for one night.

Unwrap the roulades from the foil, brown them in a frying pan with clarified butter on all sides, add shallots and sauté. Extinguish with a little bit of red wine, cook it, then add the rest of the wine and a little bit of clear soup so that the bottom of the pot is covered with 1 cm of liquid. Sauté the roulades on low heat with the lid on for about 45 minutes, repeatedly deglazing with a small amount of clear soup. Remove the roulades, strain the sauce through a sieve or blend finely with a hand blender. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground pepper.

For the cabbage, score chestnuts crosswise and cook in boiling water for 5 minutes. Take them out and remove the skins while they are still hot. Quarter the red cabbage, remove the stem and finely slice or chop the cabbage. (The finer the cabbage is cut, the shorter the cooking time.

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