Salad with Baked Cheese

Rating: 4.3478 / 5.00 (23 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For the salad with baked cheese, wash lettuce, tomato, cucumber and bell pepper.

Cut vegetables into bite-sized pieces. Peel onion and cut into rings. Mix the prepared ingredients with the olives. Mix vinegar, five tablespoons of oil and oregano, season with salt and pepper and mix with salad ingredients.

Mix the egg yolk, cut the cheese into small pieces (about 5 x 3 x 1cm). Turn the pieces of cheese first in the egg yolk and then in the breadcrumbs. Heat the remaining oil in a frying pan, fry the cheese in it until golden and sprinkle with the juice of a lemon.

Drape the forked cheese on the salad and serve the salad with baked cheese with bread.

Preparation Tip:

For a particularly fine aroma, it is best to use high-quality extra virgin olive oil for the salad with baked cheese!

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