Saffron Risotto in Tomato Stash

Rating: 3.6667 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Pretty on a summer party buffet or as a snack for guests on a hot day.

Cut a cap small from the stem side of the tomatoes, set the cap with the stem base aside. Scoop out the fruit with a spoon without damaging the flesh. Sprinkle with salt and stand until everything is done together others: sauté the very finely diced onion in hot oil, add the long grain rice and sauté. Only when everything together is shiny with fat, add the saffron threads dissolved in a little wine and fold in. Finally, add the rest of the wine and simmer gently over low heat.

Once the wine has boiled away, gradually add the clear soup with a ladle. Add salt and simmer gently over low heat, adding more and more until the rice grains are soft but still have a tender bite inside.

Finally, fold in the butter and cheese. Season with pepper and juice of one lemon. Stir in finely chopped culinary herbs – basil, chervil or parsley, each to taste.

Rinse the tomatoes under running water, drain well, then season the inside with pepper. Pour in the risotto and pile it up nicely. Put the lid on diagonally.

The tomatoes taste wonderful lukewarm! You can also heat them over steam.

To serve, arrange one or two tomatoes per person on a plate and dress them with a green herb sauce. For this, a ha

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