Kale Frisian Style

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Pluck the cabbage from the stalks and rinse properly. Blanch in boiling hot salted water for 5 min, drain and chop finely. Sauté the onions in the lard, add the chopped cabbage and the clear soup, cover and steam for 1, 5 hours.

Add the meat and the sausages to the cabbage and cook for another half hour. Remove the meat and keep it warm. Season the cabbage with nutmeg, pepper, salt and mustard and thicken with grated potato.

Arrange the cabbage on a platter and form the meat on top. Serve with:

Serve with boiled potatoes, fried potatoes or sweet roasted potatoes and a Korn!

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