Gratinated Polenta Slices

Rating: 3.7525 / 5.00 (101 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



For the polenta slices, first pour the water into a saucepan, add salt, bring to the boil and pour in the polenta. Stirring vigorously, let it rise briefly until a compact mass is formed. Leave to swell in the saucepan without heat for a few more minutes and then transfer to a suitable mold rinsed with cold water. Press down well with an inverted spatula. Cover with cling film and leave to rest in a cool place until the mixture is firm to the bite.

In the meantime, preheat oven to 180-200 °C. Turn out the firm polenta, cut into finger-thick slices and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Brush the surface with a little olive oil and sprinkle with oregano. Top with ham, sliced tomatoes and/or olives as desired and cover with diced feta cheese or grated cheese. Bake in hot oven until cheese is melted.

The polenta slices go well with arugula or tomato salad.

Preparation Tip:

For vegetarian polenta slices, simply omit the raw ham.

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