Speculoos Fondue

For those who love chocolate: Dissolve the couverture in a water bath to about 42 degrees. Then beat for 10 to 15 minutes and then fold in the ingredients. Beat again for 10 to 15 minutes. Then the fondue mixture is ready. All dried fruits go well with it, as well as physalis, bananas, pineapple, … Read more

Potato Goulash

Peel and dice the potatoes, also peel and finely chop the onions, cut the bacon into small cubes. Heat lard in a suitable saucepan, brown bacon vigorously in it, add chopped onions and roast until golden. Deglaze with a dash of vinegar and some beef broth or water. Stir in paprika powder and add the … Read more

Orange Cream in Sponge Cake Coating

Sponge: Mix all the ingredients for the cocoa mixture and spread a rectangle of about 25 x 30 cm on a baking mat. Make a stripe pattern with a spoon. Almond sponge: Mix almond kernels, 40 g egg, sugar, egg yolks, flour and butter until well blended and fluffy. Whip egg whites with 25 g … Read more

Buttermilk Terrine with Berry Salad

Stir together the low-fat curd, buttermilk and QimiQ until smooth. Add the honey, orange zest, cinnamon, lemon zest, juice of one lemon, vanilla sugar and a few chopped lemon balm leaves. Melt the gelatin soaked in cold water and squeezed well over steam and mix into the buttermilk mixture. As a final step, stir in … Read more

Fondue with Thai Spices And

A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion! 250 g white vegetables, (e.g. leek, – celery, ellerie, fennel), salt, salt, z, pepper – water water r soaked). 2 tbsp tbsp sour fruits, diced, (apple, half ripe al ripe mango, tamarind). Put all dip ingredients – except the fruits and cucumber – in a mortar form and … Read more

Toast with Goat Cheese, Dates and Bacon

For the toast with goat cheese, dates and bacon, first cut the dates in half and remove the seeds. Cut the goat cheese into slices and the bacon into fine strips. Spread butter on one half of the toast. Cover with the sliced goat cheese, the date halves and the bacon strips and season with … Read more

Pasta Salad with Frankfurter

For the pasta salad with Frankfurt mustard, yogurt, mayonnaise, pepper, tomato paste, salt, sugar and lemon juice mix to a dressing. Mix in the remaining ingredients and leave to infuse for a while. Decorate the pasta salad with frankfurter with a few fresh herbs and serve.

Hearty Chinese Cabbage Salad

Rinse Chinese cabbage and cut into tender strips. Rinse parsley and chop finely. Cut Schillerlocke diagonally into narrow slices or cut Selchkaree into cubes. Mix vinegar, salt and pepper. Add oil and season with a little liquid sweetener. Mix the marinade with the lettuce. Spread bread with sour whipped cream and sprinkle with parsley. Offer … Read more

Roast Pork

Rinse meat, pat dry, rub well with freshly ground pepper and salt. Cut the pork rind into lozenges with a sharp kitchen knife. Pour 2 cm of hot water into a roasting tin, place the meat with the pork rind facing down. Place 2 medium onions with the skin in 1/2 to 1 cm thick … Read more