Nut Snails with Rum Raisins

For the nut snails with rum raisins, mix butter, milk, flour, sugar, yeast and egg to a smooth dough, let the dough rise until doubled in volume. Knead the dough again by hand and roll it out. For the filling, mix Nussfix with milk and sugar until smooth. Soak raisins in rum and let soak … Read more

Chard Roll

Mix well eggs with oil and salt, add flour and knead with hands for 5 to 10 min. Let stand for at least 2 hours, better 12 hours, airtight and cooled. Roll out dough to a rectangular shape 1 mm thin. Heat bacon cubes in a frying pan, add chard cut into strips and onion, … Read more

Potato Salad Rich Style

Make potatoes as usual. Peel the onion and apple. Rinse cucumber, cut potatoes, onion and unpeeled cucumber into fine slices, core apple and cervelat sausage into 1/2 cm wide, 2 cm long strips. Drain the peppers, olives and chanterelles in a sieve. Cut peppers into strips, olives into slices. Coarsely chop the mushrooms. Pour everything … Read more

Apple Pomegranate Chutney with Saffron Blinis

For the apple pomegranate chutney blinis, let the saffron threads color in the milk. Mix the flour, eggs, saffron milk and a pinch of salt to make a thick pancake batter. Whip the egg whites to egg whites and fold into the batter. In hot oil, fry blinis (small cakes) – until golden brown. Cut … Read more

Quick Mango Lassi

For the quick mango lassi, first peel the mango and cut into cubes. Mix the mango cubes together with milk, yogurt, sugar and lemon juice in a stand mixer or with a blender until the lassi is homogeneous and creamy. Enjoy the quick mango lassi cold. You can find the video for the recipe here.