Apple Pomegranate Chutney with Saffron Blinis

Rating: 3.7385 / 5.00 (130 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For the chutney:

For the blinis:


For the apple pomegranate chutney blinis, let the saffron threads color in the milk. Mix the flour, eggs, saffron milk and a pinch of salt to make a thick pancake batter. Whip the egg whites to egg whites and fold into the batter. In hot oil, fry blinis (small cakes) – until golden brown. Cut onion into thin strips. Cut apple into small cubes. Cut the pomegranate in half, hold it over a bowl and use a wooden spoon to scoop out the pomegranate seeds by tapping them. Cut open chilies and remove seeds and sidewalls if necessary. (if you don’t want it to be so spicy)

Sauté onion, add apple and pomegranate seeds and boil down with pomegranate syrup, salt, chili and a dash of vinegar. The chutney can be prepared in advance. Serve the apple pomegranate chutney warm or cold with the blinis.

Preparation Tip:

This recipe was provided to us by - The special kind of cooking school!

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