Chicken with Jura Wine and Morels – *

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 8.0 (servings)



(*) Poulet au vin jaune et aux morilles Morels overbraise, dry.

Half of the butter, sauté the shallot cubes, add the morels, sauté for about three minutes, season with salt, set aside.

Divide poulard into pieces, season. Heat remaining butter with oil, sauté poulard pieces over moderate heat for about 15 minutes. Pour off fat. Add wine, let it boil, add crème fraîche, cover, simmer on low heat for about 10 minutes. Take out chicken breasts, reserve with closed lid.

Add morels, simmer gently for about 15 min. Return chicken breasts. Stir crème fraîche mixed with egg yolk into the sauce. Do not make it at all! Taste and season smartly with a little fresh juice of a lemon.

Turn pieces of meat in the sauce, sprinkle with chervil leaves.

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