Zucchini Frittata

Rating: 3.2174 / 5.00 (23 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 14.0 (servings)



1. zucchini rinse, cut the ends small. Zucchini cut into slices about 5 mm thick, season with salt and pull one hour.

2. peel onions and garlic. Finely dice onions, press garlic through a press. Pluck basil and parsley from stems and chop not too small. Place zucchini slices on paper towels and dry.

Heat olive oil and 20 g butter in an ovenproof frying pan (28 cm ø). Sauté onions and garlic for 4 to 5 min, stirring occasionally. Add zucchini slices and fry for another 6 to 8 min, turning to the other side.

Whisk the eggs with salt, stir in the kitchen herbs and pour into the frying pan. Gently set the egg mixture over low heat until set.

5. spread the remaining butter in flakes evenly over the frittata. Bake the roasting pan with the frittata on medium rack over high top heat for 4 to 5 minutes under the heated broiler, leaving the oven door open.

6. keep frittata warm until ready to serve. Cut into pieces and perhaps sprinkle with grated Parmesan. Bring to the table as an entrée.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can also use frozen ones – they also stand out for their fresh taste!

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