Asparagus and Morel Vegetables on Black Noodles

Rating: 2.8 / 5.00 (15 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



For the asparagus-morel vegetables on black pasta, first soak the dried morels in water. Peel the asparagus and cut into pieces (or already prepared, take out of the freezer) and cook in a pot with salt, 1 pinch of sugar and 1 small piece of butter until soft.

Finely chop the onion and sauté in a little olive oil until translucent. Squeeze in the garlic clove. Add the squeezed morels (do not pour away the soaking water). Fry briefly.

Strain the asparagus and add. Cook the pasta in the asparagus water (add more water) until al dente. Pour the vegetables with the soaking water of the morels (not all, rather little by little as needed). Add whipped cream, Parmesan cheese and spices – simmer.

Spread the asparagus-morel vegetables on the pasta and serve the asparagus-morel vegetables on black pasta.

Preparation Tip:

Sprinkle the asparagus-morel vegetables on black pasta with fresh cress.

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