Yogurt Mousse Cake with Strawberries

Rating: 3.9044 / 5.00 (136 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For the short pastry:

For the yogurt mousse:


Quickly knead all ingredients for shortcrust pastry, except flour and cornstarch, into a smooth dough. Work cornstarch and flour into it. Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Then roll out, cut out a ring of about 28 cm and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. (Leftover dough can easily be frozen.) Prick the dough a few times with a fork and then bake for 30 minutes in a preheated oven at 180 °C.

In the meantime, wash and halve the strawberries.

For the yogurt mousse, whip the whipped cream until creamy and dissolve the gelatine in water and squeeze it out. Stir yogurt with fine sugar until smooth. Pour some yogurt into a saucepan, heat and dissolve the gelatin in it. Mix this into the remaining yogurt and fold in the whipped cream.

Spread the yogurt mousse about 0.5 cm high on the short pastry, and place strawberries on top. Cool the cake. Then loosen the ring and serve.

Preparation Tip:

Sprinkled with a few sliced almonds, the cake is especially delicious.

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