Veal Tongue in Walnut Sauce

Rating: 4.5 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Pour boiling hot water over the washed tongue and scrape off the slime with a spoon. In a heavy saucepan prepare a bed of onion, leek and turnip, all finely chopped. Now with salt season the tongue, put it on top and form the peppercorns, bay spice, cloves and garlic to it. Pour the oil over the tongue, cover the pan and cook over a medium heat for about ten minutes until the vegetables have taken on color. Turn the tongue over once during this time. Now pour the wine and half a cup of clear soup and add the peeled, halved tomatoes. Steam the tongue with the lid closed for one to 120 minutes, depending on its size. If necessary, add a little more clear soup. In a mortar, crush the nuts, dilute the resulting paste with a little milk, and in a small saucepan, stirring continuously, make the remaining milk with the nut paste. Now remove the tongue from the saucepan, peel off the skin and cut the tongue into slices. Put the meat on a plate and keep it warm. Stir the nut milk into the tongue sauce and boil it briefly one more time. Finally, pour the sauce over the tongue and bring to the table with it French fries or fried potatoes.

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