Stuffed Veal Roll with Chanterelles

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (4 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



1. coarsely dice the greens, place in the juice pan of the oven with the bones (from the saddle of veal). Pluck the herb leaves from the stems, place the stems in the juice pan. Roast on the lowest rack at 220 degrees for 1 and a quarter hours, turning to the other side in between. After about half an hour, mix white wine with a quarter of a liter of water and add it little by little. Then pour the whole into a saucepan. Dissolve the roasting substances with 1 liter of water and add. Boil for 10 minutes, strain and degrease. It should yield about 1/2 liter of stock.

Score the saddle of veal crosswise on the skin side, turn it to the other side, score the meat side in the middle from top to bottom about 1 cm deep. Score meat from the incision to both sides and fold apart. Flatten a little bit in the middle.

3. skin the lamb fillets and lay them on top of each other with the thick and thin ends staggered to form an even strand.

Chop the rosemary needles, tarragon and thyme leaves and mix with the mustard. Clean and chop the liver and mix with the breadcrumbs.

4. season the veal on the inside with salt and season with pepper. Spread half of the mustard and herb mixture on the center. Place the lamb tenderloin on top and brush with the remaining mustard mixture. Spread the liver evenly next to it. Fold the meat over the filling and roll into a tight roll.

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