Strawberry Cream in Marzipan Chocolate Coating

Rating: 3.1667 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (servings)


For garnish:


The mass is plenty for a 1 l tureen.

Roll out the marzipan on a piece of cling film to a thickness of about 2 mm, to the size of a casserole dish (1 liter capacity), and place in the mold together with the film. Let the chocolate melt, coat the marzipan with it and let the chocolate firm up.

Crush approx. 250 g of strawberries. Cut remaining strawberries in half. Mix the mango puree, strawberry puree, yogurt, sugar, vanilla pulp and rose water.

Squeeze out gelatine and let it melt in a hot saucepan. Stir in a small amount of the cream, then stir through with the remaining cream. Leave the cream to cool until it begins to thicken.

Stir the whipped cream into the cream. Fill half of the cream into the baking dish, place strawberry halves on top and form the remaining cream on top. Cover the cream with cling film and close the terrine with a lid. Leave the terrine to cool for about 3 hours. 5.

Remove the terrine from the mold and cut into thin slices. Garnish slices with grated chocolate, strawberry halves and mint leaves. Serve with vanilla sauce as desired.

Tip: The higher the fat content of the yogurt, the more aromatic and creamy the result!

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