Spicy Squid

Rating: 3.8442 / 5.00 (77 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For the marinade:


For the savory squid, detach the head and tentacles from the body and discard the head. Remove the ink sac and schoolp from the body. Wash thoroughly inside and out with cold water. Cut into slices about 3 cm thick.

For the marinade, finely chop the chili peppers. Mix with the remaining ingredients. Place the squid strips in a bowl and pour the marinade over them. Allow to marinate briefly.

Remove and grill on a hot grill for about 6 minutes, turning after 3 minutes. While grilling, brush the spicy squid with the leftover marinade.

Preparation Tip:

This recipe for spicy squid goes very well with rice and a mango salad.

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