Potato Goulash

Rating: 3.6667 / 5.00 (117 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Peel and dice the potatoes, also peel and finely chop the onions, cut the bacon into small cubes.

Heat lard in a suitable saucepan, brown bacon vigorously in it, add chopped onions and roast until golden.

Deglaze with a dash of vinegar and some beef broth or water. Stir in paprika powder and add the remaining spices.

Stir in potatoes, add enough water to just cover potatoes, and steam until tender, about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, peel and dice tomatoes, cut peppers into strips, slice debreziner.

Add to the potatoes a few minutes before the end of the cooking time and allow to cook for a short while.

If the goulash is still not plump enough, whisk some flour with water, stir into the goulash and let it boil vigorously again.

Finally, season the potato goulash with paradeis pulp and serve hot.

Preparation Tip:

Instead of sausages, the potato goulash can also be prepared with diced smoked meat.

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