Goose Legs on Red Cabbage

Rating: 2.9091 / 5.00 (11 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



Clean the red cabbage and slice into fine strips.

Peel and core the apples, cut into eighths and add to the red cabbage.

Add sugar, salt, vinegar and bay leaves and mix everything together. Pour into a watered clay pot (or casserole).

Season the goose legs with salt and pepper, rub with soy sauce and place on top of the red cabbage.

Close the crock pot and braise in the oven at 175 °C for 3 hours.

Open the cooking pot and bake for another 15 minutes at 200 °C.

Arrange the goose legs and serve.

Preparation Tip:

It goes well with rice or potato dumplings.

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