Cream of Parsnip Soup

Rating: 3.0385 / 5.00 (52 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the cream of parsnip soup, chop the onion and cook in a large pot with the butter until translucent. Peel the parsnips and cut them into cubes.

Once the onion is nicely sautéed, add the parsnips and slowly sauté for at least 5 minutes until they are very soft. Then pour in the vegetable soup and bring to a boil.

Turn down the heat, season and simmer until the parsnips are soft. Now add the sour cream, bring to the boil again briefly and then puree with a hand blender. Done!

Preparation Tip:

The cream of parsnip soup can be sprinkled either with roasted bacon cubes or croutons. This gives the soup the final touch.

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