Beef Salad

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (14 Votes)

Total time: 5 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



Hard-boil the egg, rinse and remove the shell. Cut the roast beef into narrow strips. Cut the bell bell pepper in half, remove the seeds and white ribs, rinse thoroughly. Cut the tomatoes and the egg into eighths. Cut the gherkins into thin strips.

Mix the oil, wine vinegar and a little bit of water. Season with paprika, pepper, salt, mustard and sweetener. Pour the marinade over the salad ingredients and mix everything together.

Leave the salad to cool and stand for at least 1 hour. If necessary, season again with salt and freshly ground pepper.

Divide the leaf salad evenly between 2 plates and sprinkle with the chives.

Our tip: Always use fresh chives if possible!

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