Bean Pods and Potatoes in Mustard Oil

Rating: 1.8333 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



* respectively light vegetable oil plus 1/2 tsp mustard powder Heat mustard oil in a heavy frying pan until it smokes. Take temperature off and let oil cool briefly. (This is not needed if you are using vegetable oil. Do not add mustard powder yet).

Let oil get hot over medium-high heat, then pour in mustard seeds.

Provide a lid or splash guard as the seeds will splash up. When splattering subsides, add turmeric, garlic and chili. Fry until the garlic has turned a light golden color (about 30 seconds), shaking the frying pan constantly.

Add potatoes and beans. Let greens sizzle for 1 minute (if needed, reduce heat to medium). Next, sizzle for 5 minutes, turning.

Add about a quarter cup of tap water combined with the salt. If using vegetable oil, now add the mustard powder and mix in properly.

Turn down the temperature and let the greens smolder with the lid closed until fork-tender. There will be a tiny bit of liquid left in the skillet. Remove lid and continue cooking the greensm while stirring constantly until dry and glazed (3-4 min). If necessary, switch to a higher temperature. Remove the frying pan from the heat. Sprinkle with the juice of a lemon (1-2 tsp.) to taste.

The beans taste great cooled as a leaf salad, but ditto as an addition to an Indian meal.

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