Autumn Pumpkin Risotto

Rating: 3.7788 / 5.00 (217 Votes)

Total time: 30 min



For autumnal pumpkin risotto, first heat the soup.

Sauté the shallot cubes in 1 tablespoon of butter, add the rice and sauté over medium heat, stirring until translucent. Deglaze with the white wine and let it simmer down a bit.

Then gradually add the hot soup in portions. Always wait until the rice has almost completely absorbed the liquid. The risotto should be moist and have a creamy consistency.

Shortly before the rice is cooked, lightly toast the pumpkin seeds in olive oil in a coated pan, add the pumpkin cubes and saute for 4 minutes.

Mix the risotto rice with the pumpkin, grate the Parmesan over it and season autumnal pumpkin risotto with the remaining butter.

Preparation Tip:

Autumn pumpkin risotto on the plate refine with a dash of pumpkin seed oil.

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