Souffle Glace Au Grand Marnier

Souffle glace, an ice cream casserole, but not baked, it is an ice cream that is prepared similarly to a souffle. Beat the eggs with the sugar until thick, using only the lowest speed or beating by hand to make a smooth cream. Add sugar gradually in portions rather than all at once. Meanwhile, boil … Read more

Men’s Salad

For the men’s salad, dice all ingredients, mix and season with salt. Mix the tartar sauce and vinegar, add to the salad and mix well. Leave the salad for about two hours and serve with fresh pastries.

Quick Rhubarb Pie

Mix the water, oil and eggs in a food processor. Gradually add the sugar, flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar. Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the dough evenly on it. Wash and clean the rhubarb, cut into bite-sized pieces and spread on the dough. Preheat the oven and bake the cake … Read more

Pasta Salad with Tuna

For the pasta salad with tuna, cook the pasta al dente, drain and let cool. Halve the cocktail tomatoes, chop the spring onions into fine rolls, tear the tuna into small pieces with a fork. Drain canned beans, Now mix all ingredients together in a salad bowl. Mix the garlic, capers, chili, oil, vinegar, pepper … Read more

Potato Dumplings Palatine

Palatine cuisine is strongly influenced by French cuisine. But these dumplings are quintessentially Palatine. The Palatines call them Hoorige Knepp. Remove the skin from the potatoes, rinse them and put them aside in a baking bowl with salted water. Cut bread rolls in half. Place in a suitable bowl. Mix milk and egg Pour over … Read more

Quick Cake in Glass Vegan

For the cake in a jar, mix flour, cocoa powder and sugar in a bowl, add mashed banana, oil and coconut rice drink and mix well. Divide the mixture among 4 jars and “bake” in the microwave for 3.5 minutes. Finish with (vegan) spray topping if desired and sprinkle with cocoa powder. Enjoy the cake … Read more

Calf’s Liver with Fresh Figs

Cut the shallots into fine strips, peel and quarter the figs. Sauté the shallots and half of the figs in a little butter. Deglaze with Sauternes and a little balsamic vinegar and reduce. Add the veal jus and let it boil down again. Season the slices of veal liver with pepper and fry briefly on … Read more

Fennel an Tomato Olive Salad Sauce

Clean the fennel and cut into quarters. Put beautiful fennel greens on the side. Pre-cook the fennel in a little salted water or in a strainer over steam for 5 minutes. Lift out and brush the fennel quarters all around with olive oil. Place side by side in a baking dish. Drizzle with a few … Read more

Poor Knight with Beer Ice Cream and Pears

For the ice cream, beat the egg yolks and sugar with the whisks of a mixer until creamy. Whip the cream and beer and slowly stir into the egg yolk-sugar mixture. Stir in a baking bowl over a hot water bath with a wooden spoon for 8-10 min until creamy. Cool in a cold water … Read more

Cream Cheese Salmon Tartlets

For the cream cheese salmon tartlets, preheat oven to 180°C. Wash the fresh spinach or defrost the frozen spinach. Cut the onion into fine rings and sauté together with the spinach in a pan. In the meantime, cut the salmon slices into fine strips and mix them with the bresso with herbs de Provence in … Read more