Kokotxas – Cod or Hake Cheeks with Clams

This Basque fish specialty is prepared with the finest parts of cod and hake, which are sold separately in Basque markets. The cocotxas are gelatinous pieces of meat from the gill area. The preparation of this noble dish is simple – one more reason to use only the best ingredients and to closely monitor the … Read more

Noodle and Lentil Salad

For the pasta and lentil salad, stir vinegar, soup, mustard and crushed garlic to make a marinade. Season with salt, pepper and sugar. Cook pasta in salted water according to package directions until tender, drain and mix with marinade while still hot. Allow to cool. Cook the lentils according to package instructions for 10-20 min … Read more

Fruit Punch

For the fruit punch, save nice pieces of fruit for the insert, finely strain the main part – mix these with sugar, mix with 1 L water, wine, powdered sugar and lemon juice -fruit pieces on top, chill and enjoy!

Steamed Chard

Rinse the chard and cut into strips. Put the white strips (the stems) in a saucepan with 1 tbsp. butter and a little water. Season with salt, sugar and nutmeg and cook for a few minutes. Then add the greens (the leaves) and the remaining butter and continue steaming briefly. All together it takes only … Read more

Apple and Millet Casserole

Put millet with cinnamon, milk and water in a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer at low temperature for about 7-8 min. Turn off the heat and leave to swell for another 10-15 minutes. Cool down a bit. Separate the eggs. Mix yolks with juice of one lemon, honey, nuts and peel. Remove the … Read more

Green Spelt Soup

For the green spelt soup, soak the green spelt in water for one night. Peel and finely chop the onion. Heat the oil in a pot and sauté the onion. Add the green spelt and the soup and bring to the boil. Cook at low temperature for about 40 minutes. Peel the carrots and cut … Read more

Gingerbread Fillings

Mix all ingredients for both filling I and II and season well. Roll out the gingerbread dough (see recipe for simple gingerbread) into a rectangle and cut in half lengthwise. Place one half on a prepared baking sheet. Spread filling on top and cover with second gingerbread dough sheet. Brush with beaten egg and prick … Read more

Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil Marinade

Whisk in the lukewarm soup and all the spices. Stir in the vinegar and oil. Then season to taste. Fill into dark bottles. Keeps in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Shake well before use! This marinade goes very well with leaf salads, for beetle bean or lentil salads.

Beef Soup

1) Heat butter in a bowl, roast bones, root vegetables and halved onion, add 2 liters of cold water, season with salt and let it boil. 2. add beef, liver and spleen, simmer for about 2 1/2 hours. Strain the soup through a thin-meshed sieve or dish strainer, season and add salt if necessary. Simmer … Read more

Peach Compote

Peel and pit the peaches, cut them into wedges and press them firmly into clean jars. For the stock, boil all ingredients and pour over the peaches. Clean off rim and gum and seal. Poach Rex jars in a water bath (on a tea towel) at about 85 °C for about 30-40 minutes (small bubbles … Read more