Lentil Ginger Soup

Peel the ginger and grate finely. Cut the cauliflower into small pieces and sauté with the ginger in 2 tablespoons of butter. Deglaze with the peeled tomatoes. Then add the lentils to the soup and mix well. Add the soup and simmer for about 10 minutes. Stir from time to time. Puree the soup with … Read more

Pasta Mussels with Sauce

Be careful, needs a little practice. Whisk wheat semolina and flour and sift twice on the table, pile up and press a well in the middle. Pour in a little lukewarm water and knead for about 25 minutes, cover with a wet dishcloth. To form the pasta, separate small pieces of dough, cover the remaining … Read more

Salad with Chicken Breast, Strawberries and Mango

For the salad with chicken breast, salt and pepper the chicken breast, fry it in a pan and then arrange it on a plate of lettuce. Cut the chicken breast into strips and place on the lettuce leaves, then place strawberries and mango on top and still marinate with vinegar and oil.

Apples with Roquefort

Preheat the oven to 240 °C (top heat). Cut the Roquefort into small cubes and mix with heavy cream and veal stock to make a homogeneous cheese sauce. Place the potatoes in a well-buttered ovenproof dish and spread the cheese sauce evenly over them. Cook au gratin in the preheated oven (or under the grill) … Read more

Potato Pancakes

For potato pancakes grate the peeled potatoes. Then mix the whole with the remaining ingredients (except the oil). Form not too thick slices and put them into the hot fat (not too hot, otherwise they will be dark on the outside and still raw on the inside). After some time, turn and remove.

Core Oil Ciabatta

For the kernel oil ciabatta prepare the dough according to instructions and add all other ingredients, knead. It is important that the bread mixture is made of light flour, so the herb seed oil color comes out particularly well.

Colorful Salad with Chicken Strips and Ricotta Cheese

For the salad with chicken strips and ricotta, wash and shred the lettuce leaves. Peel, halve and slice the cucumber. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Make a marinade with vinegar, salt, pepper, sweetener and oil. Arrange the lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber on plates, drizzle the marinade over them and sprinkle the olives on top. Salt … Read more

Corn Soup with Shrimp

Sauté shallots and garlic in a little olive oil. Extinguish with fish stock and fold in the saffron threads. Pour in the corn on the cob and make ten min. Scoop out the scampi tails, remove the intestines and cut them in half. Remove the corn cobs from the soup, pour in the shrimp and … Read more

Baked Peach with Green Tea Ice Cream

Blanch (over-brew) the tea with the boiling water, infuse for about 5 min. pour through a tea strainer and cool completely. Whip the cream whip until stiff, adding a third of the sugar. Mix the whipped cream with the green tea, pour into a metal mold and place in the freezer for at least 2 … Read more